Learn all about investing in real estate in Las Cruces, New Mexico with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Las Cruces plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Las Cruces).
Latest Episodes
How to Analyze Deals with Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
How do you calculate a real estate deal that has Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) in Las Cruces?
Is it Better to Pay Off Properties with Cash Flow or In Full When Nomading™?
Compare paying off properties with cash flow versus saving up and only paying off properties once you've saved enough to pay off the entire mortgage balance in full in...
Deal Alchemy™ - Residential vs Commercial Property
Learn to lost art of Deal Alchemy™ and manipulate the returns you're earning on your real estate investments. This class discusses Deal Alchemy™ by investing in commer...
Warning - Risks of Loan Called Due When Investing in Real Estate
There are risks associated with investing in real estate where the lender will demand that you pay off the entire loan immediately... aka calling a loan due.
How to Analyze Buying a Rental Property at a Discount
Learn how to analyze a rental property you're buying at a discount using The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™.